Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Growing II


I went out to take a walk to clear my head and make sure that I kept moving. 

Because, isn’t that life?

Before I got started, I decided to check on the garden of weeds, and upon seeing how out of

control it got I decided to just pull a few of them out to see if anything that I had actually planted

was growing.

It was. 

A fraction of what I planted, a very small fraction, was there, producing. Even though buried and

having to compete for the sunlight and soil and water, there was success in there. 

Isn’t that life, too?

There were some green beans and something else that I’m not sure what it is, but I knew it wasn’t

a weed. So I began to pull some more weeds and, at times by mistake, pulled out something “good”.

I attempted to replant them and we will see… 


I went along on my walk, leaving so much weeding still to be done, eating my green beans and

thinking about the deeper meaning that can be found in all of this.

I thought about how I had worked on the winding vines and the horrible thorny vines that always

find their way into what I’m building. Usually, I will get the gardening shears and cut them away

and untangle them and unwind them from things that I put up as good borders for my garden.

Because I was an unexpected gardener this morning, I did not have any tools with me except for

my hands. 

I decided just to bend the vines back, away from my garden, and hold them down with the weeds

that were attached to clumps of dirt that I threw at them.

A life moment.

It’s important to not always cut things off, and rather just move them back to the other side of the


It is OK to accept your garden as it is, however that doesn’t mean you can’t make room for what it

is trying to be, for what you’re looking for.

Just a little bit more wiggle room, just a little bit more sunlight and rain hitting the actual seedlings

I planted.

I hope for whatever can grow and I hope to keep producing and to keep working on rewarding things within my boundaries.

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