Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Star

 The star is not at the top of the tree, yet, this year. 

And though there are other significant differences this Christmas, it kind of comes down to the fact that the star is not in its usual place.

At first it was because nothing was on the tree except the lights I strung while the kids were away with their dad. 

(This is something that happens now.) 

Then the tree was decorated without one of the children because she was at school. 

(Because this is something new this year, too.) 

The star remained on the floor next to the tree after we finished decorating. Soon, when my daughter returned, the star moved to a shelf which, I guess, is a little closer to its typical place.

Once upon a time, when I was in my 20s, I was walking through Union Square's artists' craft fair on a cold and dark December night. 

NYC at Christmas time. 

There I saw a star that I found to be so beautiful. I paid the steep $20 dollars and brought it home. Such a stark contrast from the antique, porcelin angel I grew up with in my home. 

I came back to our small apartment and placed it on top of the Kate sized tree my fiancĂ© had surprised me with one afternoon. 

In the future, my husband would place the star on top, tall enough to reach it whether it was short for apartment living or tall and well chosen (and personally cut) for our home. 

Then, one day, he lifted a toddler to place the star on the top bough. 

Eventually, he lifted three children to place the star on top, taking it back off between each child so everyone could have their chance (and photo) to place the tree topper.

He can't lift the children anymore at 18, 16, and 14.

We also don't all share this house like we once did.

There is now someone who lives here who was never a part of the star to begin with.

The star is not on top of the tree.

I am curious what will happen by Christmas day. 

Will it be placed? 

Will I just do it myself one day? 

What reaction will that bring? 




Questions are a very central part of this year for us

And there is a tree. 

A very beautiful tree.

And the star is not at the top of that tree, yet, this year. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

I am running late...

"Depressions Awareness Month" has come and gone. Which is ironic as we head into the colder and darker months of the year. Some begin their slip into depression at this time. 

That was me, with seasonal depression. 

Then, I realized that though the name for it gave those around me some understanding and timelines, that it wasn't really true. I just continued being the animal I am- going to bed earlier as it was dark earlier. 

My depression just was. 

Just is. 

And it comes and goes. 

And it is okay. 

Because though it comes, 

it goes.

(the hardest part to remember when in it)

And I wrote about it because

it became

really big.


There are mornings when

Upon waking in my thoughts

I realize I’m failing

I’m a failure

That I am failing at

What I know I shouldn’t

That I am letting everyone

And myself


On those mornings when

I am a failure

I can’t stand to see or 

Be seen.

I need to be alone and fail

I need to stare off and fail

I need to not be needed

Or I will fail


I can’t be witnessed

Or my failure will be real

And I will shatter

And never be together


Hard Day

I just need to lie down 

I’m going to feel better 

I’m going to do better 

Just now I have to lie down 

I just need to not think

I can’t regard it all

I can’t accept it all 

Right now I need to not think

I just need you to understand 

I’m going to make sense soon

I am making sense to myself 

If you could just try to understand. 

I Know

I know that the sun comes out

no matter how grey the days

I know that children are happy when

love comes first

I know that being reactive 

doesn’t work and I need to figure out the fix

I know that someone unkind lives in my brain

and takes up too much room

when what I need is that room to be open

I know I get very overwhelmed and

that if I wait

I will not feel overwhelmed

I know that having a to do list that is just mine

feels lonely and feels doable

I know that the to do list doesn’t have to be just mine

all the time

I know that I feel too much sometimes

and that I mainly feel the right amount most of the time

which is the right amount for me

and can seems like too much to others

I know that I have work to do

I know that I have a job to do

I know that kindness matters and 

even t-shirts say so now

I know that words need to be in your chest,

and not just on your chest,

for them to have meaning

Friday, October 8, 2021

Quietly Writing

 The pandemic. Amiright???

For the last year and a half, people were going through what they were going through. Lives were changed. Loved ones were missed. For many, it happened quietly, as it was behind closed doors.

I am no different of course.

And all along I was quietly writing. 

I thought I might share again.

I mean, I have been getting out and hugging my mom and kissing her sweet lil cheek. Walking in hallways teeming with children. In Target, no mask. 

Why not?

This is what started my journey into the pandemic. The moment I knew that I may need to become a mother of four.


I don’t know

at all

how to write 

what I want to say

about you

about what should be

about what is unfamiliar

and what, maybe,

no one else 




What I know is

I found you and 

there was a quiet dawning.

I could see and 

I could feel

that there you were

in the wrong nest

falling and flapping.

And so, at first,

I caught you as you fell.

Then, when that wasn’t enough,

I brought you to my tree. 

Finally, because I knew,

I put you in my nest 

and hoped

every day,

and worried

every day,

and loved

every day, 

my sweet blue bird. 

And this is what I wrote the night my eldest daughter and I waited for the little bird to land after a day fraught with emotion.


We paced the driveway

Waiting for him to arrive

Phone calls explaining delays

Messages left running hot

Making my insides cold

Just wanting him here

He arrived in a nondescript car

Driven by an apologetic man

And assisted by a forgettable someone

He arrived with ripped garbage bags

And a torn old hamper

And exhaustion

And shame

And sadness

And illness

And loss

And confusion

Without a word

Down the stairs

Everything dropped around his feet

Down on the bed

Every feeling dropped upon him

He fell asleep for a very, very long time.

And then he woke.