Sunday, May 12, 2024


After he had left

I looked around the bright,

Sunny space

he had given up, and 

I looked at the mess 

he had left behind

Some of my 

most important things

were smashed, 

and some of his 

most valuable items 

were abandoned.

So I slowly started 

to pick it all up.

It was too much to hold.

So then I began to 

throw some stuff in the trash 

that I knew 

I didn’t want 


I made a pile of his things 

and I would, 

every now and then, 

go upset 

the mound of it 

and yell. 

I’d yell 

and yell 

as I righted it 



I began to try 

and salvage 

some of my things. 

Just when I thought 

they were fixed, 

they’d crumble 

in my hands. 

This, too, 

would make me angry 

because angry was easier 

than sad. 

I would go to throw out 

all that was broken 

and then would stop, 

not wanting to believe 

they had to go.

It would just need time.

Then I could fix it.


I would take

one or two items

from his pile and

bring them to him

to see if

he wanted them.

He would shrug 

and say, thanks.

But when I would go to leave

I would notice

they were back 

with me


And time and again,

I would try to deliver 

some of the things again,

not giving up, 

and always would 

return home with them.

He knew they were here.

One day,

quiet and thoughtful, 

I decided to try one more go 

at fixing my very important 

and broken things. 

I patiently fitted pieces. 

I looked at what was coming together

and would make small adjustments. 

Then I saw 

what would no longer fit 

and put those aside. 

Over time, 

what I created 

was something new. 

It wasn’t the 


original thing 

and, looking at it, 

it wasn’t 

all together 

unfamiliar to me. 

It wasn’t what I expected 

nor what I was used to. 

It was here, 


in my hands. 

In front of me. 

And so I kept it.


Sunday, May 5, 2024

My Name '24

My name is Kathleen which means “pure” and “clear”. I believe that may be how most see me as I keep my face up out of my muck in public- a lotus trying to reach the sun.

My true name, Kate, sounds like a firm and reassuring handshake, and my full name, Kate Burke, sounds like two belts of laughter as one is caught off guard by an unexpected joy.

My name comes from my brother as my parents were not expecting to need a female name- a girl after four boys. My gender was a surprise.

My oldest brother named me Kate and my mom protected it, making it formally Kathleen instead of Katharine, to be sure I wasn’t named after her mother in law who always made sure my mom knew that she didn’t like her son’s choice of a bride.

My name comes from Ireland and I have been there twice. Once with my Burke family- with brothers and laughs and walks with my Da in soft air. Another time I went with my Laird family the Summer just after my Da died, and my memories from that are of tight child squeezes, blustery hills that called my name and solidified I was Viking, Celt, and a romantic.

My Da used to make my name both very short and very long and just thinking about that makes me miss his voice and his easy love for me so I am going to stop thinking.

My original name is legally returning to me soon. I lost it for quite a bit, though could feel it knocking about in there. I’m using it illegally now because I have always been a little bit rebellious. It comes from the copper wires of my hair, now turning gray.